In case of situation when your computer USB's are not working anymore. Check your Computer Management and in section Device Manager look for USB section and yellow exclamation sign. If you see under properties message: "Windows cannot start this hardware device because its configuration information (in the registry) is incomplete or damaged. (Code 19).", than follow this link and follow steps in accepted answer regarding modification of registry. It helped for me and saved a lot of time otherwise I had to run computer repair installation. None other options like roll back drivers, or installing manufacturer drivers did not work out as they are windows system drivers.
I guess that happened because I was tinkering different around Microchip USB devices which support package somehow messed up some settings in USB enumeration or something similar. After registry edit and following reboot all connected USB devices searched for drivers and now everything works again.
My case was related to Intel USB 3.0 hub, I have seen other devices which can cause similar error message, but than registry class code will be different. This above recipe can help in case of USB hub problems.