Recently my sibling gave me DVB-T set top box describing problem - probably remote is bad. Receiver itself was functioning OK, using face panel buttons, so I decided to start investigate remote.
Checked batteries -> OK, looked on IR led through phone camera kind of blinking but little bit strange. Checked remote internals visually, kind of OK. Resonator looked little bit suspicious, it was not fixed to PCB, but still connected and soldered well. I have seen lot of times badly looking resonators but I have never needed to replace one. Thought this is probably same also this time. After checking everything all is in place, remote still not working. At this moment one could just give a try and replace resonator, but I wanted to make sure. I have no scope available, but than I remembered I have multi-meter with frequency measurement option. I measured resonator outputs while pressing remote key. And noticed strange behavior, frequency value started with 98 KHz, and than fluctuated up to 1MHz and again down below even those 98 KHz. It does not look normal for resonator which should be running around 455 KHz according to figures on component package. Originally there was green rectangular component, letters PG on top and NSB 455J. Not clear is it a manufacturer's quality issue or result of badly dropped remote. Anyway I was lucky that I had a spare part in my component storage, replaced and that was it. Remote is functional again.
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